There are eight different types of training that can be recorded in the system. They are:
TBA - Used to record new requests from employees for training courses that haven't been added as STAs yet
Accreditation - Accreditations such professional / job related awarded certificates from a professional body
Training - Training that may involve a Courses only
Skill - Skills a user may have such as specific product knowledge, Word, equiptment etc
Knowledge - Knowledge a user may have: Specific Knowledge of a project, client , location etc that may be useful to record
CPD - Continuing Professional Development(CPD) , record attendance and time/points at meetings, seminars and training activities, provides information for CPD audits
CRB - Criminal Records Bureau Check (CRB) - Records certificate and pertinent details
Permit - Temporary / Provisional permits for work or to work where they have a short life and an expiry
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